Turn “I’m Bored” into “I Made it Myself!”

It finally happened. My kids, who typically are full of ideas, uttered the words that can spark dread in the heart of any busy parent. "I’m bored. What can we do?"

We thought we had planned well for this summer. We had a list! And a calendar! But then plans changed, as they tend to do, and the heat blasted day after day, which changed more plans, and we found ourselves with more time to fill than interesting projects with which to fill it. Add to that two parents with heads full of deadlines and work obligations (rather than fun ideas) and it was clear we needed some help.

Thankfully, I found the Future Craft Collective.

Based here in Austin, they have a mission of … inspiring children to become makers and create beauty, while simultaneously teaching them ways of minimizing our impact on this earth. We want kids to discover ways to create a world in which the belief in handmade looms larger than the messages of the marketing machine.The time has come to infuse our children with the message of appreciation, creativity and sustainability. It is our belief that this message can instill a great feeling of self worth and save a kid from a lifetime of seeking contentment through mindless consumption.


Even better, the folks at the Future Craft Collective have project ideas already laid out in a family-friendly manner. This summer they have partnered with Craftzine.com to create activities for Craft: Summer Camp so there are lots of projects from which to choose.

And the best part is their emphasis on using items that you already have. These crafts do not come with a $50 visit to Michaels but instead use items you already have around your home or can easily find.

One last note. I’m not a Super Crafter, nor is my husband, but these are projects we can complete as a family. We’re starting on the Gratitude Banner first. I’ll let you know how it turns out for us!

In the meantime, have fun exploring the offerings of the Future Craft Collective and making your own family project! *********************************************************************************** Visit us at Greening Families for more earth, wallet, and family friendly tips!

If you’re looking for a project to carry your family through the start of school, check out our new booklet, One Month to a More Frugal and Healthy Life. It is available for free on our website.

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