Groundwater To The Gulf Is Back

Groundwater To The Gulf Is Back

Groundwater To The Gulf

What's Inside...

Sponsored Post – from the Colorado River Alliance


Are you a teacher looking to spice up your science and environmental curricula? Then this program from the Colorado River Alliance is for you.


Groundwater To The Gulf is a field-trip based, summer institute for Central Texas teachers that emphasizes classroom techniques and resources on water science and rivers. Participants follow the path of water in Central Texas from its origins to its destination in the Gulf of Mexico.


Topics include hydrology, groundwater, urban watersheds, water quality, river stewardship, water protection, and water conservation. Participants will experience hands-on field trips with local water experts; receive FREE curricula, TEKS-aligned activities, and resources; learn about field-trip opportunities for the school year; and receive 22 continuing education credits.


Groundwater To The Gulf will take place in early June. You can register here>>


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